

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date:
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant:
  • Researcher: Ruben Muro Martinez
  • Main theme: Free conversation: Pelota as sport and hobby. Opinion about the situation of the Basque language. Unified Basque / dialects.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
game: He manages the handball group from the Labrit handball court. Many children go, but the quality is pretty poor. They are playing many sports and they treat the handball as a pastime.The biggest difference between the professionals and the amateurs is money. The behavior of the people is different as with the professionals they put on bets. That makes the people feel more involved in the games.
A02 00:02:37
Basque language: In the ikastolas (Basque language schools) they are doing some great work with the children to keep the language alive, but they change over to Spanish.He believes the language should not be lost and he thinks it is right to let them have the choice. The idea of using a standardized form of Basque, the batua, is a good idea in order to save the language, but he prefers the Basque spoken in his village.Those who study in Basque can mix up the batua and the language of the village.He speaks Basque or Spanish depending on the situation.
Pista Hear file Length
N-050-A 9:02