

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date:
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Mikaela Berastegi Flores
  • Researcher: Nerea Lizarraga Berastegi
  • Main theme: Free conversation: how working day was like (breakfast, field work, food,...), mill, bread elaboration, talo elaboration, pig lilling, black pudding deal...
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
nutrition: Their grandfather reaped the wheat and they made sheaves and pilled them up. They loaded them onto the cart and took them to the threshing machine. The machine left the straw on one side and the wheat on the other. They collected the grain in sheets and took it home. A few days later, they used to take it by donkey to the mill for grinding. They then brought the flour back home in sacks, heated up the oven they had at home, made dough and baked bread. They made loaves weighing two kilos. They baked bread once a month. They made “talos” with corn flour.
A02 00:07:18
pig killing When the sow gave birth, they set two piglets aside for fattening. They fed the pigs on potatoes and corn. They slaughtered one of these pigs at Christmas, to eat in the winter. There did not used to be fish. To kill a pig, you have to stab the knife in its neck. One woman used to collect the blood and another stirred it to prevent it from clotting. Other women prepared onions and leeks, and boiled eggs. After cleaning and cutting the pig up, they made blood sausages. The whole family got together and they had a big meal. They gave “presentes” (gifts of the food produced) to the important people in the village: the priest, the schoolmaster, the village clerk...
Pista Hear file Length
N-010-A 14:37