

Nafarroako Euskaldunen Mintzoak


  • Title:
  • Recording date:
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Fidela Bernat
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  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
animal husbandry: seasonal migration, lifestyle Presentation. Personal questions (name, place and date of birth). Lifestyle in Uztárroz among young people. Mountain work with a hoe and hikes after sheep. The men would go with the sheep on their seasonal migration to La Ribera and the girls would go to France to make espadrilles. Explanation as to the word “kota” and its derivatives.
A02 00:04:55
Basque language: Euskera was only spoken at home.
A03 00:06:00
festivals The fiestas of Uztárroz would be held around the Day of San Juan (June 24th).
A04 00:06:24
clothes: dancing costumes Dancing costume.
A05 00:07:05
Christmas, song Nativity song (07.12"- 08.00").
A06 00:08:22
carnival: During Carnival, the men would go around houses asking for things and be given cooked pork products. They would dance a lot accompanied by guitar and accordion music.
A07 00:09:50
winter Weather and the winter snows.
A08 00:10:10
rafts The rafts were made from pine wood in Autumn. Explanation as to the word “lerrena” (pine). They would go as far as Sangüesa and Zaragoza.
Pista Hear file Length
M-004-A 11:29
Document Size Material
 M-004 15 KB Transcription and translation to Spanish.