

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1998-06-08
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Paul Harispuru
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: Cherries.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
nutrition: cherries Introduction: About the festival of the cherry in Itsaso.(02:00") She knows the cherries since she was very small. She began to pick them at the age of seven or eight. They would lay a net at the tree and when the cherries were down on the ground they would put them in baskets. There were no cherries around like those anywhere else. (06:00") Types of Cherries. All of them were not picked in the same period. She remembers picking up to three hundred kilos or more.The cherries did not receive any treatment in the old days. The only work was picking them.The baskets of cherries were sold later. Some years they would make a lot of money in Itsaso. At that time there were no subventions like nowadays.
A02 00:13:15
song Song"Eguzki denean" (When dawn rises)
A03 00:16:50
nutrition: cherries They loaded the cherries on lorries. During the season there would be seven or eight lorries each day. The situation of agriculture now and then.(21:20”) Different types. It was an Englishman who brought the seeds for the black cherry.First the skin matures around the month of May, depending on what kind of Spring it has been. The young men would be on the tops of the trees. Every year there would be some injuries, even a death could come about. The woman would also gather cherries.The lorries would take weighting-machines with them to weight the loads. How much per kilo. Some types of cherry do not adapt to the climate around here.The cherry has an enemy; the birds. However, they would not do much, they were good years for everyone. The cherries taken away by the seven lorries would be sold in the cities and towns in the vicinity.
A04 00:37:45
song Song.
A05 00:41:08
nutrition: cherries How the children would live the cherry season. When they were older they would get bigger baskets. They have good memories. Many people would get together for the work and there was a good atmosphere. The first festival of the cherry took place in 1949. Since then there has always been a festival, although the cherry only started to be present since five years ago.(46:30") Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-117b-B 46:55