

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1997-02-17
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant:
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: Ancient carnivals.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
candles, religion:Lenten Introduction: Customs of Lent and Carnival.They would buy large candles and they would be blessed in the church and they would sprinkle a little of it on the backs of all those in the house in the Name of the Father. They would go to church with the candle and you blessed yourself with some drops from it. The same was done to the chicken house, the rabbit warren and the rest. It was done so that no harm would come to anybody or anything. Then the candle was broken up and burnt. When anyone died at home, they would go the church all week with the blessed candle. It was kept lit during the whole mass.
A02 00:06:05
nutrition:, nutrition: It was necessary to make crepes in order to have money all year. It was made from egg, sugar and flour. The frying pan was blessed. For each child there would be three crepes. They would eat them on the day of the Carnival.Fritters: It was necessary to burn the dough well. It was then well stirred and left to settle and it was fried in a lot of oil. There would be three of these for each person.
A03 00:10:30
religion:, religion: (19:45") When the Tuesday of Carnival was over, Ash Wednesday started the Lent period. The dust from the house was taken to the church to be blessed. Everyone was given a sign of the cross on the forehead with the dust. On doing this they use to say: “Dust thou art and dust thou will become.” But now they say: "Jinkoaren jauzi da eta heda zazu begi ona" (God has come down to dispense goodness). She has always done that and she still does it.
A04 00:22:45
religion:Lenten Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. As well as having the body clean it is also necessary to have the mind clean. Before, they used to keep vigil. It was not possible to eat meat on Friday. They would eat hake or trout. The other days it was not necessary to do anything special, except to pray more.
A05 00:26:35
carnival: In my childhood in Baigorri Carnival used to take place. The young people got dressed up and sometimes you would not recognize them. They did not dress up because they were girls. There were also carts pulled by cows. The young men would go in them with their fancy dress. There was also music but they were accordions and harmonicas, not like the music now. The girls couldn’t dance but some of them would dress up and dance anyway.They would go from house to house with their music asking for things. Later they would all get together for a meal. That used to take place on the Tuesday of Carnival.
A06 00:37:00
carnival: (40:05") They would also make "libertimenduak" (masks?): they would go to a different village each Sunday. In Eiheralarre and in Uharte-Garazi there was a lot of that during a certain period. Some young people would go from house to house begging. They needed time to prepare the libertimenduak", the time to do some rehearsals. It was done every year for seven or eight years all the Sundays of Carnival.Costume: white shirt, colored bands down the back, pretty scarves, white trousers with ribbons, a stick in the hand with rattlers on the ends and the traditional footwear.(46:20") Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-095b-B 47:31