

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1992-11-24
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Ana Mari Arosteguy
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
jobs:, nutrition: A woman who worked as a shepherdess. She was thirty-two years in the Irati mountains.(02:10”) First they were two or three years in Olape and in autumn, they would go to a hut which they later bought in Irati.Before going up, in May, they were on the meadows and they would prepare the goods which they would later bring up on the donkeys. They went up at the same time as the sheep. They reached the hut in two days.First the woman would organize the chores in the hut and then she would go and milk the sheep, clean the shelves…One time they went up in May and it began to snow three days later.To shear the sheep all the shepherds came together. That was not woman’s work so she would make the meals.The children would come up on vacation. During the school year they would stay down below with the grandparents. They would bring down the cheese on the donkeys. They would join with others and sell the cheese together. (13:35”) At that time few people would be seen in the mountains. Since the roadways have been made you can find many people in the woods of the Irati. She liked the life in the mountains. They used to eat a lot of corn. The bread came later. How they managed with the lights.Winter was spent with fodder for the animals. The woman had more work in winter than in the mountain hut.(20:30”) There were also some bad autumns and they had to come down earlier than planned .One time they had to leave eighteen sheep behind in order to save the rest of the flock and later they found them all alive. (23:40”) Nowadays the shepherds spend the day up there but few would think of living up there. Nowadays the huts are better prepared, it would be easier to live there now.The wool is no longer sold. In the old days a lot of money could be made selling wool.(30:00”) They began to milk and make the cheese quite late, in February. In May and June the cheese was better, because up there the sheep gave more milk. Her children did not follow in the same work but that was not any disappointment.Nowadays everything is different. (38:00”) Goodbye and thanks.(39:00”) Song.(44:45”) Goodbye to the program.
Pista Hear file Length
II-004b-B 46:36