

Sex education [2 resultados]

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X-004c A01 Half of the couples in the south of the Basque Country (Navarre) do not use contraceptives. There is no specific data from the Baztan-Bidasoa district. It should be remembered that contraceptives were forbidden 25 years ago. This means that there does not exist a habit concerning their use to be passed on. Reproduction is not the only thing to consider in the field of sex education, the subject is much broader. It is necessary to overcome embarrassment and misinformation.
X-007a A01 The Haizea centre. Similar to the Cofes centres, the Haizea family planning and sex education centre was created in Elizondo. Two years went by. The Government of Navarre decided that it had to rethink the gynaecological service that it offered. As a result of this change, the post of sex education teacher was to disappear and the nurses were to be replaced by a midwife. These changes have not been applied yet, but no sex education training will be required for these posts, but rather nursing or midwifing qualifications.