

Xorroxin Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 2000-06-07
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Pantxi Erneta
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: Listeriosis (07-06-2000). Eyes ache (29-06-2000).
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
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Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
disease: Anybody or any animal could have that illness. It is from temperate climates.The bacteria from the lysterosis live on the ground or in the plants. It can also live in the guts of the animal and, as a consequence of some kind of stress, they may eliminate them by way of defecation or by way of the milk, thus making these contagious. Bacteria can live for three months. All the animals may be contaminated but not all become ill. Above all, they spread in silos of poor quality or where there is earth, that is why it is known as the illness of the silos. The most risky moment is when the silo is coming to an end. If a silo is infected, it will contaminate all the animals, but not all become ill. Those with weak defences will get the illness more easily, those with stress or whatever. Any animal could die from this illness.There are three types of symptoms; the skin dries, there is a blood infection and they die immediately, or they have meningitis or encelphalitis, and their heads swell up.The first symptoms in sheep are a lose of appetite, to go round in circles and fall down, high fever and paralysis. The most characteristic symptom is to have their head turned towards their body. Only about 20% of the animals that receive treatment survive. The bacteria is killed by most of the antibiotics. But this does not mean that they are cured, as the wounds do not become cured. The treatment has to given during a long period and as long as they continue to eat there is some hope left. The first case is rarely cured, but the subsequent ones have a better possibility.Should there be a case the best thing is to throw out all that has remained in the silo.The best prevention is to make sure that the silo is well prepared: with little humidity, without earth and to spray a preservative.There is a vaccine but it has irregular results and is not often used.A human could die from eating the meat of the infected animal, but not from contact with the animal. The case of France. The cases of those who died.
B01 00:00:00
disease: A contagious illness which affects the eyes. Contact between the animals makes it contagious and the flies spread it about. It affects animals that are inside or outside. When the sun shines the ultraviolet rays damage the cornea and the microbe can gain entrance more easily. The sun is very important in the case of the cows. It occurs more often in the summer. Everything is dryer and there are more flies and the sun is hotter.It seems at first as if something has just got into the eye but very soon it is found in other animals. It affects sheep, cows and goats especially.At first the eye is red, the eyelash is swollen and the eye is closed. It is painful and they look for places with less sunlight. The eyes water and become more sticky. It nearly always goes out the way it came in but the eye could be lost as the cornea is damaged. In order to cure it some biotics against clamyde and microplasms are needed. They can be injected, or applied with a pomade or spray or with an injection in the eye. It is necessary to take the animal to a dark place. It is a good idea to put on a patch. To anticipate the eye illness is not easy. There is a vaccine for cows but it has not been very successful. The only prevention is through antibiotics. It is worth giving the herd an injection so that the illness does not appear.
B02 00:14:50
animals:, genetics Genetic testing with bulls. In the United States the genetic base is changed every five years. They look at the any changes that there have been and depending on that they make the modifications in the genetic base. The consequences that that will have. They are trying to bring out something that everyone can use but it seems to be difficult. It is difficult to make comparisons as the requirements for each place are different.Genetics is very narrow. All are descendants of a very few bulls.In the States they are always a step ahead and they work on that.Stories of clonations and experimentations.
Pista Hear file Length
X-032-A 24:40
X-032-B 24:35