

Xorroxin Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 2000-5-24
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Pantxi Erneta
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: Pain in the udders of the animals in summer (24-05-2000). Decrease of the disinfection (20-09-2000).
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
miscellaneous The products lose their activity.
A02 00:01:30
miscellaneous Adverts about buying and selling.
A03 00:03:35
disease: Mastitis or mamitis: This normally occurs in the summer and in the cattle. It effects the front udders above all. The cows can lose their calf. It it is not treated the cow can die too. The most direct treatment is penicilin. Almost all the treated parts are lost. It is a good idea to milk that udder from the first as many bacteria are extracted. But the cow won’t allow it. In those cases, the best thing to do is to cut the tip of the udder because the pus will come out itself then. It is contagious so it is best to isolate the animal from the others. Prevention is not easy. If the hills are dirty then it is easier to wound the udder and this makes it easy to catch the illness. In high places there are less flies. Through the use of claspers it is possible to apply a treatment which extends through the skin. But in the udders there is no sweat so that it does not stick. Applied with sulphur it can be applied to any spot. The most effective is to inject the antibiotic in the udder. If the bactería enter, it will die.That kind of fly does not normally move within the barns nor at night either. Consequently, if you keep the cows in during the day and let them out at night there is less danger.
A04 00:18:26
disease:, disease: There is a campaign for a vaccination against dog rabies. There have been few cases in Spain but it is obligatory.Vaccination prices.
A05 00:23:06
politics, protest march (23.55) Reasons for calling the protest march.About Lizarra-Garazi.What they will call for in the protest march
B01 00:00:00
disease:, disease: Disinfection of the udders. One of the best preventions to control the mamitis.It is done before and after milking the cow. How the disinfection is carried out. Methods products and utilization.Five types of products: iodine products, ammonium quaternario compounds, clorexidine, hypocloride and DDBS.Three objectives must be attained: to kill the bacteria, to kill the bacteria in the udder wounds, and to cure the skin of the udder.The bacteria could remain in the milking machinary and could contaminate seven or eight cows.The products should be applied as soon as possible after taking off the tit holder and take advantage of the fact that the tit is still open so that the product gets inside it.The third aim of the product is to cure the skin of the udder. This skin is very dry as there are no glandular sebaceous. The products contain substances to treat the skin.
B02 00:20:00
agriculture: fertilizer, book The book "Laborantzaren liburua" or "Bi aita semeren solasak laborantzaren gainean".He usually goes around giving advice rather like the man in the book. It was written about 150 years ago in Basque.The passage which speaks about the fertilizer.
B03 00:26:00
disease:, medicine: The cow has given birth and it has its udders full of warts. They disappear on their own but it could take up to a year.It was have difficulties to be milked. Solution: prepare a vaccine. Pomades. Homeopatic products. Give an anaesthetic and take out the warts with a scalpel.Traditional treatments: put a toad in a bottle and by the time it dies the warts will have disappeared. The toad takes four or five months to die and in this time the warts would have been able to disappear from their own accord.
B04 00:30:15
disease: If the milk comes out sour it means that there is an infection. The animal will have to be treated with an antibiotic.
Pista Hear file Length
X-031-A 31:25
X-031-B 31:33