

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1996-03-11
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
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  • Main theme: Fishing.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
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A01 00:00:00
fishing Introduction: He has always been fishing and he is quite a famous fisherman. He won’t give his name because they still fish illegally.(0:30”) The size of the fishing rod depends on the width of the river. It has to be made of bamboo and it should be cast at the fish from behind. The biggest fish have been caught with worm and with “feather” (fly?).He has also fished with a net, with his hands and with a “tertula”. What is a tertula? It should be set at night and collected at night.He has also fished with big nets with three nettings. That is prohibited. The night must be very dark, with no moonshine, so that they are not seen.(10:40”) Never wear white, always black clothes.The size of the nets.They should be cast in a loose way. They had to gather the nets early the next morning before the sun came up. He has also fished by hand. The fish have become smaller and now few are caught, especially in Aldudes. Previously, the barriers of the mill were wooden and the fish got up easily, now they are made of cement. Moreover, the fish go to spawn in the streams and now they no longer exist.(20:00”) He has made all kinds of gadgets to do with fishing. Between the worms there are also big differences. The worms should be left for some days after collecting them, because if not they slip easier for the fish.Fish don’t hear but they can see very well. The traps that can be used in different water.Fishing holds many secrets. He made a living from fishing for a while. But now it is not possible to fish as often as before. There were less fishermen and if they went fishing for a day they wouldn’t come back for three or four days. Now, with so many fishermen, the fish are frightened and don’t come out so easily. (30:10”) The best time to fish is after the rainfall. It is necessary to have a lot of patience. In the old days they didn’t have the boots that exist now. He fished for many years in his bare feet. He was born beside the Bidasoa and he has always been a keen fisherman. His father fished with the big net. His son has learnt but he is not as good as himself. During some years he weighted the fish he caught. He has fished up to a thousand kilos in a season. Each year he has been catching less and less.The line was tied in with the net with big worms. A lot of eels were caught that way and they were sold at a good price. It is prohibited to sell eels as it is to fish with a line.What he likes best is fishing with a hook. It is necessary to be very precise when you cast the line.(44:55”) Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-072b-B 46:52