On this page you will find the dialects of the areas and locations as two types of classification: traditional classification of Louis Bonaparte Loucien Koldo Zuazo current classification. By clicking on each of them, may find the description of the dialect and the towns belonging to it.
Low Navarrese
This is the category spoken in Valcarlos. Although administratively this locality belongs to Upper Navarra, geographically and linguistically it is an extension of Lower Navarra.
The Basque dialect is unequivocally Low Navarrese.
Beyond the general characteristics of spoken Basque, the Basque from Valcarlos deviates from the standard form in the following characteristics:
Morphology (verbal and nominal)/Phonetics/Lexicon/Syntax
1- In Valcarlos the -a- appears in the past form of the strong verbs (synthetic): nakien, nauken, zakien, zagoen, zabilen... etc, (standard neukan, zebilen... etc.)
2- The contractions in the periphrastic conjugation are less frequent than in the Northern High Navarrese. But they are very present in the behar and nahi + auxiliary:
3- In this dialect it is common to hear many other non-standard verbal flexions. The version in standard Basque clarifies in each case the equivalence . See the sample:
subentzione azkarrak diuzte [=dituzte]
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute [=dizkigute] horien kabalek
but cf. also:
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira [=gara]
makur ukaiten ziena [=zutena] Luzaideko kabaladunek
4- In verbs ending in -n (edan, egon, izan, etc.) the future form is generally in -en. The common pronunciation is-ain:
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
5- In this dialect the form in rik of the verbal participle is in common use, something rare and atypical in the Northern High Navarrese:
6- This dialect uses verbal nouns in -iten (emaiten, erraiten), , as do the continental speakers and the Northern High Navarrese speakers:
makur ukaiten ziena Luzaideko kabaladunek
7- It distinguishes -ak from -ek in plural:
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute horien kabalek
makur ukaiten ziena Luzaideko kabaladunek
8- The normal contraction of the genitive singular is -ain:
9- The sociative is in -ekilan (standard Basque -ekin):
10- The adlative is in -rat:
biziki untsa mendirat heltzeko
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
11- The romance-language termination -ón has been adapted to -oin (Northern High Navarrese -on, other dialects -oi):
eztut uste arrazoin haundik bauten hola hola agertzeko
12- The romance suffix -(c)ión has been adapted to -zione (Northern High Navarrese l -zio):
guk eztuu nehori esplikazione eman behar
13- The plural dative is formed in -er (standard -ei):
leheno´re errana dut beste erreportero batzuer
14- The intensive forms of the pronouns are of the type nihau, guhau etc...:
15- The -ua group sounds as -ia:
Mendi gain guzia elurrak hartia du
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
16- The automatic palatalization after i does not exist:
profitatu ute anitz mendi hori
makur ukaiten ziena Luzaideko kabaladunek
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
17- In the declination, -ea (etxea) sounds as -ia:
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
18- The vocal harmony (dirua>dirue, ogia>ogie) is inexistent:
Mendi gain guzia elurrak hartia du
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute horien kabalek
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
19- Cases can be seen of the loss of the initial vowel in the word (aphaeresis), a characteristic of many of the Navarrese dialects:
20- Cases can be found of the loss of a vowel in the interior of a word (syncope) , although this does not seem to be an active or very extended practice:
orai ez dira artzen [=aritzen] al lanian
21- In words such as joan, jarri, jende etc the initial sound sounds as -y :
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute horien kabalek
The Spanish j can only be heard in the most recent loan-words:
22- The aspirated h would seem to be out of fashion, as the informant does not pronounce it in any case:
eztut uste arrazoin haundik bauten hola hola agertzeko
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
23- The lexicon of this dialect is clearly of an eastern influence. Many variants and terms ar characteristic of the continental Basque speakers: anitz ´a lot´, hetsi ´to close´, xerka ´in search of´, guzi ´all´, orai ´now´, artio ´until´, azkar ´strong´, biziki ´very´, untsa ´well´, kabala ´herd´, ´cattle´, fini izan ´to end´, nehor ´nobody, nothing´, ukan ´to have´, elgar ´one another´, bana ´but´.
biziki untsa mendirat heltzeko
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute horien kabalek
makur ukaiten ziena Luzaideko kabaladunek
leheno´re errana dut beste erreportero batzuer
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
24- It also contains many loan-words from the French romance: profitatu ´to take advantage of´, gudronoztatu ´to tar´(<fr. goudron ´tar´) arranyatu ´to fix up´ (fr.
profitatu ute anitz mendi hori
Ez, ez; eztugu forma hortan arranyatzen al
25- In this dialect the suffix -larik(an) has substituted the -nean in all its functions:
26- The dependent completive of uste can appear with -n:
eztut uste arrazoin haundik bauten hola hola agertzeko
27- The periphrasis -ten ahal is in use for the potentials, even in negative sentences:
Ez, ez; eztugu forma hortan arraiñatzen al
28- The direct object of verbal nouns in -te/tze (ikuste, hartze, etc...) is put in genitive:
29- The lack of agreement between a nominal syntagma in dative and the verb is frequent:
Low Navarrese
This is the category spoken in Valcarlos. Although administratively this locality belongs to Upper Navarra, geographically and linguistically it is an extension of Lower Navarra.
The Basque dialect is unequivocally Low Navarrese.
Beyond the general characteristics of spoken Basque, the Basque from Valcarlos deviates from the standard form in the following characteristics:
Morphology (verbal and nominal)/Phonetics/Lexicon/Syntax
1- In Valcarlos the -a- appears in the past form of the strong verbs (synthetic): nakien, nauken, zakien, zagoen, zabilen... etc, (standard neukan, zebilen... etc.)
2- The contractions in the periphrastic conjugation are less frequent than in the Northern High Navarrese. But they are very present in the behar and nahi + auxiliary:
3- In this dialect it is common to hear many other non-standard verbal flexions. The version in standard Basque clarifies in each case the equivalence . See the sample:
subentzione azkarrak diuzte [=dituzte]
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute [=dizkigute] horien kabalek
but cf. also:
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira [=gara]
makur ukaiten ziena [=zutena] Luzaideko kabaladunek
4- In verbs ending in -n (edan, egon, izan, etc.) the future form is generally in -en. The common pronunciation is-ain:
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
5- In this dialect the form in rik of the verbal participle is in common use, something rare and atypical in the Northern High Navarrese:
6- This dialect uses verbal nouns in -iten (emaiten, erraiten), , as do the continental speakers and the Northern High Navarrese speakers:
makur ukaiten ziena Luzaideko kabaladunek
7- It distinguishes -ak from -ek in plural:
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute horien kabalek
makur ukaiten ziena Luzaideko kabaladunek
8- The normal contraction of the genitive singular is -ain:
9- The sociative is in -ekilan (standard Basque -ekin):
10- The adlative is in -rat:
biziki untsa mendirat heltzeko
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
11- The romance-language termination -ón has been adapted to -oin (Northern High Navarrese -on, other dialects -oi):
eztut uste arrazoin haundik bauten hola hola agertzeko
12- The romance suffix -(c)ión has been adapted to -zione (Northern High Navarrese l -zio):
guk eztuu nehori esplikazione eman behar
13- The plural dative is formed in -er (standard -ei):
leheno´re errana dut beste erreportero batzuer
14- The intensive forms of the pronouns are of the type nihau, guhau etc...:
15- The -ua group sounds as -ia:
Mendi gain guzia elurrak hartia du
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
16- The automatic palatalization after i does not exist:
profitatu ute anitz mendi hori
makur ukaiten ziena Luzaideko kabaladunek
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
17- In the declination, -ea (etxea) sounds as -ia:
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
18- The vocal harmony (dirua>dirue, ogia>ogie) is inexistent:
Mendi gain guzia elurrak hartia du
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute horien kabalek
ta gaineat errain dizut gauza at
19- Cases can be seen of the loss of the initial vowel in the word (aphaeresis), a characteristic of many of the Navarrese dialects:
20- Cases can be found of the loss of a vowel in the interior of a word (syncope) , although this does not seem to be an active or very extended practice:
orai ez dira artzen [=aritzen] al lanian
21- In words such as joan, jarri, jende etc the initial sound sounds as -y :
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute horien kabalek
The Spanish j can only be heard in the most recent loan-words:
22- The aspirated h would seem to be out of fashion, as the informant does not pronounce it in any case:
eztut uste arrazoin haundik bauten hola hola agertzeko
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
23- The lexicon of this dialect is clearly of an eastern influence. Many variants and terms ar characteristic of the continental Basque speakers: anitz ´a lot´, hetsi ´to close´, xerka ´in search of´, guzi ´all´, orai ´now´, artio ´until´, azkar ´strong´, biziki ´very´, untsa ´well´, kabala ´herd´, ´cattle´, fini izan ´to end´, nehor ´nobody, nothing´, ukan ´to have´, elgar ´one another´, bana ´but´.
biziki untsa mendirat heltzeko
gure mendiak yaten dazkigute horien kabalek
makur ukaiten ziena Luzaideko kabaladunek
leheno´re errana dut beste erreportero batzuer
bana horren gainian denak elgar hartiak gira
24- It also contains many loan-words from the French romance: profitatu ´to take advantage of´, gudronoztatu ´to tar´(<fr. goudron ´tar´) arranyatu ´to fix up´ (fr.
profitatu ute anitz mendi hori
Ez, ez; eztugu forma hortan arranyatzen al
25- In this dialect the suffix -larik(an) has substituted the -nean in all its functions:
26- The dependent completive of uste can appear with -n:
eztut uste arrazoin haundik bauten hola hola agertzeko
27- The periphrasis -ten ahal is in use for the potentials, even in negative sentences:
Ez, ez; eztugu forma hortan arraiñatzen al
28- The direct object of verbal nouns in -te/tze (ikuste, hartze, etc...) is put in genitive:
29- The lack of agreement between a nominal syntagma in dative and the verb is frequent: